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Monday, November 29, 2010

Technology and our kids.

This topic has been everywhere lately and I thought I should address it to the of my best ability.  With the creation of the ipad and more user friendly programs and devices it is only natural that we want to have and use this technology with our kids.  Especially with our non verbal and profoundly disabled populations.   Over this last year, I have seen my own children develop into confident and silly little boys thanks to the use of a communication aid.

First off a little bit of back ground both of the boys are non verbal and prior to getting their current communication devices "Spring Boards"  they were making choices with a switch device called the "partner four" this provided visual and audio feedback to them.  We had to prove ourselves that the boys understood what they were choosing and always were followed through with their choice even if we knew they made a mistake.  It took years to progress through this system.

Since we have started with the spring boards it has allowed the boys to become people with a voice, needs and wants.  It has been a great equalizer.  They are currently, included in a kindergarden class a few times a week.  Now the teacher calls on them for answers to questions that the other kids look forward to hearing them "say" their names with the spring board.  It has allowed them to become more engaged in the classroom and to more actively participate in the classroom.  It has been great for my kids.

My concern is that many parents don't know about this technology or they give up because our kids have to jump through hoops to prove themselves.   Our children learn skills over time and with lots of repetition.  And yes sometimes they will never prefect a skill however,  it does not mean that opportunities should not be presented.  There are many different kinds of switches and joysticks that can take a little skill or movement and create communication.  I would like to see more innovation and thought when assessing a child's skill level.

I am asking all parents to familiarize yourself with products such as an ipad, laptop, spring boards and switches.  Ask questions and engage therapists in the assessment process.

1 comment:

  1. CASC as come up with some additional funding to send a speech pathologist into the school for extra training with the child.
